What is Skygofree? the spy malware that threatens your Android

what is skygofree

You know what is skygofree? The security of our smartphones and tablets is always a detail to take into account. But now, if possible, you have to be more careful than ever.

And it is that, recently we have had news of Skygofree. A android spy malware, which is running like wildfire, for a large number of mobile devices of this operating system.

What is Skygofree? the spy malware that threatens your Android

Scarier new version

This malware It was created about three years ago. But it is now that we should worry the most, because its latest version is capable of bypassing practically all Android security measures. That is why it can cause real havoc on our tablet or mobile.

The main objective of Skygofree is none other than to spy on you. Thus, it will be able to read your WhatsApp conversations, listen to the audio you record or connect to a WiFi network created by cybercriminals. You can also access your camera, to take photos, get to the files you have stored on your smartphone. It may be the case that they can see the events that you have registered in your calendar.

The use that they can later give to the stolen information It is very diverse, but no matter what, no one is going to like having all their privacy exposed.

How Skygofree comes to our mobiles

Apparently, Skygofree is expanding through websites that pretend to be from our telephone operator. Once we access this website, we are invited to download an application, which corresponds to a new service offered by the company. This application is the one that downloads the malware, which allows cybercriminals to spy on our device, an app that we would have consciously installed.

Currently active only in Italy

At the moment, all the cases in which users have been affected by Skygofree are taking place in Italy. And it was in 2015 when a greater number of cases occurred, when the version that was active was much less dangerous than the one we can find today. But the reality is that these types of strategies of pretending to be an operator or a company, which has a special offer, are very common. Therefore, it would not be unusual for the virus to end up spreading to many more countries.

malware skygofree android

How to avoid getting infected with Skygofree

the best way to avoid this malware, is to download only applications directly from Google Play. The official store has security measures, so that virus or malware, they do not affect your apps and games. Therefore, ignore all ads that invite you to download apps from other, unreliable sources.

Have you ever had problems with viruses or malware? We invite you to tell us about your experiences in the comments section at the bottom of the page. Source: Ars Technica 

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