Sony Xperia E1: manual and instruction guide

Sony Xperia E1 instructions

The Sony Xperia E1 is a smartphone that has spectacular sound, since it incorporates Walkman technology to play our favorite music, but can we really use this function and other features offered by this mid-range mobile at 100%?

For this reason, here we bring you the manual and instruction guide of the Xperia E1, where we will find how to use the basic functions and actions correctly, as well as discover new features that we do not know at first glance.

The manual and instruction guide for Sony Experience E1 it is in PDF format, therefore, a program is necessary to open this type of document. At the end of this article, we will find the link where we can download Adobe Reader, an application that will help us open documents in pdf format, the user manual.

El Sony Experience E1 was presented at the beginning of this year and if we are lucky enough to have an Android device like this, then it is essential to download the user manual, since we will find, among other things, how to keep the guarantee valid, in this way, if you have any operating problem, we can send it to technical service or customer support either in store or from Sony itself.

User Manual Instructions Sony Xperia E1

In addition, we will find the main procedures on its daily use. Procedures for mounting, powering on, and setting up your device for the first time, explains why you need a Google account, and recommendations for charging your Android device.

Also knowledge of basic aspects such as the use, lock and unlock the screen, access the different apps quickly and easily, shortcuts, take a screenshot, status bar icons and general description of the applications which is pre-installed from the factory.

Before downloading and viewing the manual in PDF file, we must have installed Adobe Reader and you can download it if you do not have it, in the following link:

Already downloaded and installed on our computer, we can download the Sony Xperia E1 Manual and Instruction Guide In the following link:

The file you will download has 103 pages and a "weight" of 3 MB.

We hope that after reading it and using some functions with the phone in hand, it will be of great help and you will take full advantage of all the functionalities and possibilities of this wonderful smartphone.

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  1.   zacarias said

    RE: Sony Xperia E1: Manual and Instruction Guide
    That when I turn it on it stays in the sony logo and it doesn't work anymore

  2.   ameliacgil said

    check sony xperia E1
    Good Morning. Yesterday I received the telephone indicated above, and although I am reading the manual, I have a question that I would like to be resolved, especially to know if it is a problem with the terminal or not. I have appreciated that when I am making a call and I put the phone to my ear, the screen turns off. If I need to dial a number with the keyboard, I have to press the power button for a second. This is so? Thank you very much.

  3.   Renzzo Verdesoto said

    RE: Sony Xperia E1: Manual and Instruction Guide
    please help me, my Sony Ericcson U20i Android phone does not respond, the following appears on the screen: Trebuchet does not respond and below Accept, and it does not give me another option. Please help what TREBUCHET means and what this application is for. Thanks.
    att. renzo