Share location with the most popular applications: Whatsapp, Telegram, Maps

All modern smartphones are equipped with GPS, thanks to which it is possible to obtain precise geolocation wherever you are and share location with other people. 

Thanks to this tool, some tasks that were previously more complicated have now been significantly simplified.

If, for example, we have to be found by friends and family, it is no longer necessary to give a complex series of indications and reference points, but it is enough to share it with them with the help of our smartphone.

In this article we will delve all the most practical ways to share your location en Android and iPhone through the most popular applications.

A warning before we continue: sharing your location in real time consumes a lot of energy, so it will definitely lead to an accelerated battery drain. Make sure you have enough charge before you continue (possibly you can equip yourself with a powerbank). If the battery doesn't have much charge available, it might be worth turning battery saver on.

In this case, it is preferable to share location to the desired contact in a timely manner instead of sending your position in real time.

To do this, simply turn on GPS location only to detect your position, send your exact position to the contact, and then turn GPS off.

Share location

And now let's see how to share the location with the most used smartphone applications: WhatsApp, Telegram and Google Maps.

Share your location with WhatsApp

If you want to share your location information with WhatsApp, you can do it with easy steps. In fact, a few touches are enough and once you have learned the procedure it will be difficult to forget.

With WhatsApp you can share your location on time, that is, where you are at that precise moment and your position in real time for a certain period of time.

It is clear that the second option is very useful if we intend to move, for example so that you are always easy to find quickly. This option is undoubtedly very practical when traveling with a group of friends by car or motorcycle.

The procedure is practically the same between the Android and iOS versions of the application, with only a few differences:

  • start the application by pressing its icon;
  • enter the conversation with the person you want to share location with, then press the paperclip button;
  • then touch the green button «location";
  • at this point a dialog box will show you your position and all nearby points of interest (monuments, bars, shops, supplies), plus the accuracy will be indicated;
  • if the precision is low, for example greater than 30 meters, it is better to wait a few seconds, as it should improve. At this point it will be possible to choose whether to share a specific position or the location in real time for a period of time.
  • if you choose the position in real time, a screen will appear explaining the function, pressing on «siguiente";
  • You will then be taken to the dialog screen that will allow you to choose the duration of the process (between 15 min, 1 hour and 8 hours). You can conclude the procedure by clicking the green button.

To stop sharing it is enough with open the chat and then press «Stop sharing» and on the confirmation screen, touch «Stop«.

The privacy of those who use this location sharing option is not at risk, because the messages are encrypted and the location will be shared only with the contacts or cats That you choose.

Sharing your location with Telegram

Also Telegram, the excellent messaging application and competitor of WhatsApp, offers the possibility of sending your position, both the current one (punctual) and the one in real time.

Again, it takes more time to explain than to do, simply:

  • open Telegram;
  • go to the chat where you want to send the position;
  • press the paperclip icon and select the green button «location";
  • If the application requires access to the selected location, click on «Allow";
  • then, you can choose if you want to press «Send my current location«, option characterized by the blue icon, or if you choose «Real-time location";
  • the second will take you to a warning window where you have to press «OK«. Then again we will receive a request to access the position. Tap to choose «Allow";
  • finally we can choose the duration by clicking on «tiempo«.

Share location with Google Maps

The procedure is quite simple, the most practical method being to share a link through messaging applications, which will allow you to systematically send the position for up to 72 hours.

These are the simple steps:

  • open Google Maps;
  • press in the upper right part of the circle in which your account is located;
  • then touch the item «Share location";
  • a window will open explaining the function, you must press the blue button «shares location";
  • then, on the dedicated screen, choose how long you want to share the position and then the contact who will have to see your position, or directly send the link via Message, WhatsApp or any other messaging application.

Through the link, the recipient will be able to see your position in real time on each platform (including the web version of Maps) during the time you have chosen.

Stop sharing location is very simple, just:

  • Go to the screen where the location was shared.
  • At the bottom will be the active shares, by clicking on them we can see the information and press the button «Stop«.

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