Netflix will start canceling inactive accounts

Did you sign up for Netflix but then you haven't been using it? In that case, the most logical thing is to unsubscribe so that they do not continue to charge you. But it is easy that you have been leaving it and in the end you are paying for something that you do not use.

For this reason, the streaming movie and series service has announced that it will begin to unsubscribe users who do not use the service.

Netflix will terminate inactive users

More than two years without seeing anything

Obviously, Netflix It's not going to consider canceling your account because you have a streak where you don't have much time to watch anything.

The platform will only consider canceling the service to those people who have been registered for a year and have not used it, or also to those who have not seen anything during the last two years.

Even if you haven't seen anything in such a long time, you won't be without your account overnight. What you will receive is an email from the platform notifying you that you have been inactive for too long.

In the event that you want to continue using it, you will only have to follow the instructions given in that email and your account will not be closed.

In the event that you do not reply to this email sent by Netflix, the platform will understand that you are no longer interested in continuing with the service. And, therefore, your account will be inactive, although you will have 10 months in which you can reactivate it if you wish.

Netflix has a small percentage of inactive users

The reality is that this new intention of the platform of streaming killing inactive users will not apply to too many users. And it is that the percentage of people who have a Netflix account but never use it is really small.

Therefore, the idea is to help that small percentage of people who do not end up being seduced by the service stop paying for anything.

In fact, Netflix and other similar platforms such as HBO or Disney + have become true saviors during these months of confinement, in which leisure has been reduced to our own homes. In recent months, the platform has seen how its number of users has increased one 47%, mainly among people looking for ways to entertain themselves without leaving home.

Are you a Netflix user? Have you been a long time without using the platform? Do you think it's okay that they can unsubscribe automatically or do you think it should be the responsibility of each user? We invite you to tell us about it in our comments section.

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