Huawei Ascend P7: User manual and instructions

El Huawei Ascend P7 is one of Android phones recognized for its value for money. In addition, we already know that all the terminals that use the Google operating system are used in a very similar way, so if you are the owner of this phone. You probably won't have a problem learning how to use it.

However, there are always small new features that we don't know how to use, or settings that we don't remember. And for that, have the user manual and instructions can be very helpful. Therefore, we invite you to download it to easily resolve all your doubts and get the most out of it.

User manual and instructions

Features of the Huawei Ascend P7

El Huawei Ascend P7 has a Quad Core 1,8GHz processor, as well as 2GB of RAM and 16GB of internal storage. It is true that in terms of power and performance there are already more powerful smartphones on the market, but for the average use of a smartphone, it is more than enough.

It also has a 5-inch screen with 1080p resolution, as well as a 13MP rear camera and an 8MP front camera. Your battery is 2.500 mAh, so that it can last up to 14 hours of 3G use, without needing to charge the battery.

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User Manual

El Huawei Ascend P7 user manual is a document in PDF, so you will have to have a reader for this type of document installed in order to access it. The document is 23,47 MB, so with a moderately good internet connection, it shouldn't take too long to download.

In this manual you will find all the necessary information to get the most out of your smartphone, organized in sections, so that you can resolve your doubts as quickly as possible.

Download user manual Huawei Ascend P7

If you want to download the Huawei Ascend P7 user manual, you can do it directly at the following link:

  • Download Huawei Ascend P7 user manual

If you have any problems downloading the manual directly, you can also find it on the page of support from Huawei. Although everything is explained very clearly in these manuals, if you have any questions you can leave us a comment at the bottom of the page because our community of Android users can help you.

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  1.   Matthias Gonzalez said

    RE: Huawei Ascend P7: User Manual and Instructions
    Hello, could you do me the favor of posting it?
    I've searched it, but I've never found it