How to know if you have been blocked on WhatsApp

How to know if you have been blocked on WhatsApp

WhatsApp It is without a doubt the most popular messaging app on the entire planet. It has changed our lives for the better, but it also gives us some disappointment than another. One of the problems that we can find is that some contact blocks us, be it lost friendship, lost love or other necessities.

The app doesn't send us any notice for it, so we'll have to find alternative ways to find out, if we really care if someone blocks us. Let's see how to know if this has been the case.

How to know if you have been blocked on WhatsApp?

not receiving your messages

One of the most logical ways to find out whether or not a contact has you blocked on WhatsApp is simply to see if they receive every message you send them. Precisely when they block you it is not to receive it, so if you see that they arrive even if you do not read them, you can rest easy. On the other hand, if you do not receive them, it is true that your mobile phone may not be operational for something, but it may also be a blocking signal.

You can't add it to groups

WhatsApp does not allow us to add people who have blocked us to groups. Therefore, this is one of the most effective ways to find out if someone has decided to block you. If you try to add them to a group and it sends you an error message telling you that you can't add them to a group, it's almost certain that you are blocked by that person.

Send him messages from another account

If a person doesn't receive messages you send from your account, you always have the option to try to send a message from another. If you see that in that case he does receive the messages, it is clear that yours does not receive them because you are blocked.

look at their status

How to know if you have been blocked on WhatsApp? When a user has blocked us, we will not be able to see those changes that he has made in the WhatsApp status. Therefore, if you know that one of your friends is one of those people who change their status almost daily and suddenly find that it has not changed for a long time, you may have suspicions that he has blocked you.

Try to make a call

WhatsApp does not allow us to perform voice calls to contacts who have us blocked. Therefore, if you see that you are trying to call one of your contacts but you cannot do so, it is a sign that they may have blocked you.

How to know if you have been blocked on WhatsApp

Look at his profile picture

The same thing happens with the profile picture as with the states. If you have been blocked, you will not be able to see the changes that have been made to it. Therefore, it is a good way to know if that block is effective.

We have already seen how to know if you have been blocked on WhatsApp. If you know any other way to know that you have been blocked, you can tell in the comments section, at the end of this article.

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