Google smart speakers will have guest mode


Google is constantly adding new features to its speakers smart. And one of the new functions that we can find at the beginning of 2021 is to use a guest mode. Thus, anyone who passes by your house will be able to use your voice assistant without having to connect through your Google account, being much more comfortable.

Guest mode arrives on Google speakers

What is guest mode for?

The main reason to use this guest mode it's a privacy issue. In the event that a person talks to your smart speaker without being registered in this mode, all the information about it will be saved in your Google account. However, thanks to this new modality, anyone will be able to use the wizard without it being stored anywhere.

How to use guest mode

To start using it, all you have to say is “Hey Google, turn on guest mode”. At this time the speaker will be ready so that you can use it without storing information. If your speaker has a screen, you won't see your calendar on it either.

If you have any doubts about this mode, you will only have to tell the person himself. assistant. The moment you say "Hey Google, tell me more about guest mode" the assistant will take care of giving you all the necessary information about what is stored and what is not. You won't even need to waste time looking for information about it on the Internet.

Currently only in English

Of course, if you use your Google speakers in Spanish, you will have to wait a bit. And it is that at the moment this function is only available in English. But it is expected that in the coming months the guest mode will be available in practically any language.

Speakers with guest mode available

It's also important to note that guest mode won't be available for all Google smart speakers at this time. Right now we can only use this function in the Google Nest, so if you have another model you will also have to wait. But you should not worry too much, since Google has reported that its intention is that soon this function can also be used from other speaker models.

Do you find guest mode for Google smart speakers a cool feature? We invite you to go through the comments section that you can find at the bottom of this article and tell us what you think about it.

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