Genius, all the song lyrics in one app

There are people who love to know what the lyrics of your favorite songs, so that the listening experience music go beyond a few meaningless notes.

Although there are hundreds of websites on the net that are dedicated to it, today we are going to introduce Geniusa Android app in which you will be able to find a fairly wide bank of songs of all styles, so that you do not stay without knowing their lyrics, or their meaning.

Genius, an impressive bank of song lyrics

More than a million songs

One of the reasons why Genius stands out from other lyric apps is because of the wide variety of songs it contains.

Thus, in this app you can find more than 1,7 million topics of all styles, which you can find through a comfortable search engine, although it also has a home page, where you can quickly access the most popular themes of the app.

All the information about the meaning of the songs

The application also includes next to each song, information contrasted with its authors and producers, about the exact meaning of the lyrics.

But you can also find Annotations made by other users of the app, as well as make your own and share them with the community. In this way you will be able to know different points of view and as the same letter, it can mean different things for each person.

Find the lyrics of songs playing around you

Another very interesting function of Genius is that by pressing a button, you can access the lyrics of the song that is playing around you at that moment, so that in addition to a song bank, this app can also be a substitute for Shazam.

Download genius on google play

Genius is a completely free app that is compatible with Android versions higher than 4.1. You can download it at the following link:

If you want to give your opinion about this android app or if you know other applications about song lyrics that may be interesting, don't forget to leave us a comment at the bottom of this article, we and other blog readers will appreciate it.

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