AGM X1, with this phone now at a discount

AGM X1, IP68 certification and double camera now at a discount

When we choose a mobile, it is possible that we are looking for the most advanced features (paying a lot of money) or that we simply want a good value for money. If your case is the latter, the AGM X1 is a smartphone with IP68 certification and dual camera, with other interesting technical details.

And it is that in addition to more than enough features, this Android mobile has great resistance, and now an even cheaper price.

AGM X1, IP68 certification and double camera now at a discount

Technical Specifications

El AGM X1 It has features that are close to the high range. Thus, we find ourselves with a Qualcomm 617 processor and 4GB of RAM, which will allow you to use any app or game without problems, no matter how many system resources they require. Its internal memory is 64GB, and can be expanded up to 128GB by means of an SD card.

One of the strengths of this Android phone is its dual camera, something that is becoming more and more popular among mid-range and high-end phones. One of the cameras is intended to capture the colors and the other to capture the depth of field, so that the final result of the photographs is much better than that of a simple camera.

It also has a 5400 mAh battery, which offers a quite interesting autonomy, which also has a fast charging system. You can also unlock your smartphone using your fingerprint.

Great resistance

The AGM X1 is the ideal mobile phone for those who want to take their mobile to the countryside or to the beach, since it has an IP68 certification, which confirms its resistance to water, dust or shock, so it becomes a mobile phone. all terrain.

Of course, it must be clear that it can be under water at a depth of 1,5 meters, up to 30 minutes. Come on, you can use it without problems when you sit by the pool.

AGM X1, IP68 certification and double camera now at a discount

Availability and price

Its original price is 319,99 euros, but now there is an offer on eBay with which you can buy this mobile with a discount of 40 euros. Therefore, the final price would become 279,99 Euros.

If you have decided to take advantage of this offer, you can find it at the link indicated below:

  • AGM X1 – (discontinued)

Did you find the AGM X1 interesting? Do you already have it at home and want to tell us your impressions with this Android mobile with IP68 certification and double camera? We invite you to take a tour of our comments section, to give us your opinion, at the end of this article.

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