Huawei Ascend P7 User Manual and Instructions

Huawei Ascend P7 manual

Do you need a Huawei Ascend P7 manual? The Ascend P7 is one of the high-end models of the Chinese brand and if you own this android mobile, here we bring your user manual and instructions where it is shown how to use the mobile correctly, guides and procedures for use to get the most out of it and carry out all the actions and functions of this wonderful mobile device.

When we acquire a mobile like the Ascend P7, we may already know some basic functions, since we have become familiar with the Android system if we have had an android mobile, but we will always have doubts or questions about something new or questions about its wide variety of features and functions.

You can download the manual in PDF format below.

Huawei Ascend P7 manual, user guide and instructions in Spanish (PDF)

What do we find in the instruction manual?

With this instruction manual we will know basic aspects of the Huawei Ascend P7, such as how to use the touch screen correctly, lock and unlock the screen, use keyboards and text input, notification panel and quick settings. But before that, we must remember to install the micro SIM card and charge the battery, as well as insert the micro SD memory.

huawei ascend p7 manual

In the website Huawei support, we can find the manual in Spanish, in addition to other languages ​​such as English, Portuguese, etc. Also a tab for troubleshooting in the official center, as well as technical characteristics of the phone and an overview detailing news and update alerts, finally we find detailed warranty information.

In order to correctly view the instruction manual, we must install the latest version of Adobe Reader, and if we want to open it from the terminal, it is also necessary to install the application for reading PDF formats.

In the manual that you will find under these lines its link, you will also find instructions to learn how to use the camera and manage the different resolutions, activate flash, access Google play, copy contacts from the sim card and install applications and games, configure the mobile for the first time, we can consult all this in the manual.

We will also see how to connect the Huawei Ascend P7, to the desktop or laptop PC and how to use the application for the computer Huawei Hi Suite, with which power synchronize your device with computer and for example, you will be able to back up everything that your Huawei has inside, videos, photos, documents, contacts, etc.

huawei ascend P7 user manual

You may also be interested in Huawei Hisuite:

Download Huawei Ascend P7 Manual

We can find recommendations for the device to better recognize our fingerprints, as well as practical advice for its proper use. The instruction manual is 24 MB with 99 pages and we can download it through the following link:

  • Manual

If the direct download link does not work, we can download the manual on the official website of Huawei support.

With this manual, we will have no doubts about the use of the functions and novelties of the Huawei Ascend P7 but remember that you can write to us through a comment at the bottom of this article, commenting on improvements to this model compared to previous ones, aspects that can be improved, interesting native apps, hidden codes, etc.

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  1.   Vicente Vives Ortiz said

    I find it very interesting to be able to have a user manual to better use my excellent huawei

  2.   Vicente Vives Ortiz said

    Vincent 1
    It seems to me an excellent and very practical service for any user,

  3.   luisangel zamora mac said

    RE: Huawei Ascend P7 User Manual and Instructions
    My mobile has imei problems how can I change it