The creator of Twitter does not use a laptop, only his smartphone

The creator of Twitter does not use a laptop, only his smartphone

If you think of the CEO, founder or head of a large company like Facebook or Twitter, surely you imagine him permanently glued to a laptop.

However, Jack Dorsey, creator of Twitter, claims not to use a PC at all, nor a laptop, since he does absolutely everything from a mobile phone.

Jack Dorsey, creator of Twitter. His relationship with the smartphone

Why is mobile better than laptop?

In a meeting with the press that took place in Sydney, Australia, the founder of Twitter gave the surprise by stating that he does not have a laptop. When asked about his own online safety practices, he told 9 News host Deb Knight:

"I don't have a laptop, no, I do everything from my phone."

And he added:

"It's important to me because I turn off my notifications, and I only use one app at the time. So I only have one app and I can focus on what's in front of me, instead of everything coming at me like it's on a laptop."

The creator of Twitter does not use a laptop, only his smartphone

It makes perfect use of your smartphone and to balance work life and security. The creator of Twitter commented:

“I think anything can eat up all of your time, but definitely the mobile devices that we have, they have so much on them, so much interest, and certainly time can go down a hole. So I've developed a lot of personal practices: I don't check my phone in the morning until I'm about to go into work, and when I'm working, I turn off notifications on my phone, so I don't constantly react to what's coming at me." .

This is something that draws quite a lot of attention considering that he is the CEO of one of the most important technology companies in the world. Of course Dorsey yes it connects from the smartphone. And you have your reasons for preferring the mobile device.

What the executive does is turn off the notifications. In this way, you only have one application open, without all the distractions that usually inhabit the screen of our smartphone.

The creator of Twitter does not use a laptop, only his smartphone

Balance between work and personal life

Despite always carrying his cell phone with him, Dorsey seems to have found a way to find a balance between work and private life.

Thus, for example, he does not look at his mobile until he goes to work. And she returns to affect disable notifications so as not to have constant distractions.

When he meets with his team, he makes sure that everyone always has their phones turned off and their laptops closed. In this way, they are fully focused on work without additional distractions. By not wasting time, it is possible that a meeting that was planned to be an hour lasts 15 minutes. Therefore, they will have earned the remaining 45 to have more time to do other things. What Dorsey is trying to show is that when he stops wasting time, he gains quality of life.

The creator of Twitter does not use a laptop, only his smartphone

The importance of security

Another of the points on which the executive tries to focus especially is on the fullfilment of security requirements, something to which sometimes we do not pay the necessary attention.

Dorsey says that it is important that we are aware of all the data that companies have about us. And also that it is necessary that we have two-step authentication activated in all our accounts on different platforms. Finally, although it can be a bit tiresome, you also have to change passwords on a regular basis.

In short, Jacr Dorsey moves away from the image that we always have of the executive of a large technology company such as Twitter, glued to the laptop and living for work. And this does not prevent him from having led a platform like Twitter to be one of the most popular worldwide.

What do you think of the attitude of the creator of Twitter? Do you think it is feasible or is the laptop or PC essential for you? We invite you to go through the comments section at the bottom of this post, to tell us what you think about it.


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