How to reduce and eliminate stress

You feel stressed and continuously nervous? Do you want to eliminate stress and improve your quality of life?
La Texas Woman's University posted 52 things to do to reduce stress.

I did one Spanish translation very fast for those who do not read in English. So here is the list of 52 points to eliminate stress!
If you implement some with positive effects, let us know 🙂

So you can eliminate stress

  1. Wake up 15 minutes earlier in the morning. The inevitable mishaps in the morning will be less stressful.
  2. Prepare for the morning of the night before. Prepare the breakfast table, prepare sandwiches, get the clothes you need, etc.
  3. Don't trust your own memory. Write down appointment times, when to pick up clothes, when to return books, etc.
  4. Do not do anything that after doing it asks you to lie.
  5. Make duplicates of all the keys to eliminate stress. Bury a house key in a secret spot in the yard and keep a duplicate car key, keeping it separate from the rest of the keys.
  6. Perform preventive maintenance. Your car, belongings, home, and relationships are less likely to break at the "worst possible time."
  7. Be prepared to wait. A newspaper or a mobile Android can make it almost comfortable to wait at the post office.
  8. The delay is stressful. Whatever you want to do tomorrow, do it today; what you want to do today, do it now.
  9. Plan ahead. Don't leave gas in the tank for less than a quarter of an hour, don't wait until the last minute if you only have one bus ticket to buy another one, etc.
  10. Don't use anything that doesn't work right. Alarm clock, windshield wipers, VCR - they cause constant irritation, repair them or buy new ones.
  11. Give yourself an extra 15 minutes to get to appointments. Try to arrive at the airport an hour before departure.
  12. Eliminate or reduce the amount of caffeine you consume.
  13. Always have a backup plan ready, “just in case…” (“If someone is late, this is what we want to do…” or “If we split up at the mall, let's meet at this time”).
  14. Take it easy. The world won't end if the lawn isn't mowed this weekend.
  15. For anything that goes wrong, there are probably 10, 50, or 100 that go right. Count them!
  16. Ask questions. Take the time to repeat return instructions, what someone expects of you, etc., you can save hours.
  17. Respond with "No!" Say "no" to extra projects, social activities, and invitations that you know you can't support due to lack of time or energy, respect yourself, and think that everyone needs some quiet time every day to relax and be together.
  18. unplug the mobile terminal. Do you want to take a long bath, meditate, sleep or read without interruptions? Find the courage and do it. The probability of a terrible emergency during the next hour is close to zero. Or use an autoresponder.
  19. Replace "needs" with wants. All our physical needs are translated into food, water, sensation of heat. The rest are just wishes. Don't cling to wishes to eliminate stress.
  20. Simplify, simplify, simplify…
  21. Make friends who are not anxious. Nothing can be more anxiety-provoking than hanging out with anxious people.
  22. Get up and stretch frequently if your job requires you to sit for a long time.
  23. Use plugs. If you feel the need for silence in the house, put the plugs in your ears.
  24. Sleep as much as necessary. If necessary, use an alarm to remind yourself to go to bed.
  25. Create order instead of chaos. Organize your home and space so you always know exactly where things are. Put things in their place so you don't get stressed and look for things.
  26. When stressed, most take small, shallow breaths. When you breathe like this, the stale air is not expelled, the oxygenation of the tissues is not complete and the result is frequent muscle tension. Monitor your breathing throughout the day, before and during high pressure situations. If you notice that your abdominal muscles are tight and your breathing is shallow, relax all your muscles and take several slow, deep breaths.
  27. Writing down your thoughts and feelings (in a journal, on a piece of paper…) can help you see things more clearly and from a new perspective.
  28. Try some yoga techniques if you feel like you need to relax. Take deep breaths through your nose and count to eight to de-stress. Then, with your lips half-closed, exhale very slowly for a count of 16 or as long as possible. Focus on the sound and feel the tension dissolve. Repeat this 10 times.
  29. Project yourself into an event you dread. For example: Before you speak in public, take some time to examine each part of the experience in your mind. Imagine what you want to hear, what the audience will look like, how you will present your speech, what questions there may be and how you can answer, etc. See things as they should be. You will easily understand that when the time comes to actually talk, it will be a piece of cake and much of the anxiety will disappear.
  30. When the stress of having to quit a job keeps you from doing it, it may be just what you need to change your environment or your activity.
  31. Talk about it. Discussing your problems with a trusted friend can help clear your mind of confusion so you can focus on solving the problem.
  32. One of the most obvious ways to avoid unnecessary stress is to choose an environment (work, home, play) that is in line with your personal wants and needs. If you hate working at a desk, don't take a job that requires you to be behind a desk all day. If you hate talking about politics, don't date people who talk about politics, etc.
  33. Learn to live one day at a time.
  34. Every day, do something you really enjoy to de-stress
  35. Add a pinch of love to what you do.
  36. Take a hot (or cold in summer) bath or shower to release tension.
  37. Do something for someone else.
  38. Focus your attention on understanding rather than being understood; on amar instead of being loved.
  39. Do something to improve your appearance. Looking better can make you feel better.
  40. Plan your day realistically. Avoid the tendency to arrange obligations one after another; take time between one thing and another to have a break.
  41. Be more flexible.
  42. Eliminate commissions like: "I'm too old to...", "I'm too fat to...", etc.
  43. Take advantage of the weekend to change the pace. If your weekly work is slow and sketchy, make sure there is time and spontaneity in your weekends.
  44. Just worry about today. Yesterday and tomorrow take care of each other.
  45. Do one thing at a time. When you are with someone, you are with that person and nothing else. When you're busy with a project, focus on making it happen and forget about all the other things you need to do.
  46. Give yourself some time, introspection, silence, Privacy.
  47. If there is something particularly troublesome to do, do it early in the morning and the rest of the day will be anxiety-free.
  48. Learn to delegate responsibilities.
  49. Don't forget to take a break for lunch. Try to get away from the table or workplace with your body and mind, even if it's only for 15-20 minutes.
  50. Don't count to 10. Count to 10,000 before doing anything that might make things worse.
  51. Keep a mature view of events and people. Accept that we live in a world that is not perfect.
  52. Try to have an optimistic view of the world. Convince yourself that most people do the best they can.

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