In 2019 Qualcomm's Snapdragon 855 Plus was released, a slightly improved variant of the Snapdragon 855 that offered more graphics and processing performance. The company's competitors were not watching quietly, as Chinese giant Huawei unveiled its Kirin 990, while MediaTek decided to shake things up in the price performance segment with its own offerings.
Unfortunately, AnTuTu's 2019 SoC Awards only had one winner in the "Most Powerful Performance" category. And that was undoubtedly won by the Snapdragon 855 Plus.
Fortunately, there were also other awards, which other SoCs won, so it's not like Qualcomm's silicon got away with all the awards.
"Technological Innovation" awards given to Kirin 990 and MediaTek's Dimensity 1000L
In addition to the "Most Powerful Performance" category, GizmoChina reports that the other two were "Technological Innovation" and "Most Profitable." The 'Technological Innovation' category would obviously mean the chipsets that have the most technology in that minuscule package. Whereas 'Most Profitable' would be an award given to lower priced SoCs which, in turn, give smartphones much more value to the customer.
Oddly enough, none of Apple's A-series silicon received any awards. But upon further inspection, we found out that AnTuTu has a separate category of those. And it is With the aforementioned awards that are mainly given to the chipsets that power Android phones.
Technological innovation
In the "Technological Innovation" section, the Kirin 990, MediaTek's Dimensity 1000L, Exynos 980, and Snapdragon 765G won. MediaTek, a company that was not known for making products that satisfy power users thanks to the lackluster performance of its chipsets, is finally back.
Its latest offering also features an integrated 5G modem, something the Snapdragon 865 lacks. This means that by 2020, more and more manufacturers who want to offer smartphones enabled for 5G less expensive, they will probably end up choosing the Dimensity 1000L.
Most profitable processor
Lastly, we have the “Most Cost-Effective” category, where the MediaTek Helio G90T and Kirin 810 won. The Helio G90T would be the well-deserved winner in our books because it not only powers less expensive smartphones, but also offers a lot in the performance department. performance.
In most tests, it even outperformed the Snapdragon 730. A Qualcomm chipset that's marketed as offering flagship features at a less expensive price for phone makers.
As for 2020, we are bound to see healthy competition once again, primarily from the Snapdragon 865 and the upcoming Kirin 1020. If that wasn't enough, we're also looking forward to the unveiling of the Snapdragon 875. The first 5nm Qualcomm SoC EUV, which means the new winners could be setting themselves up for future awards.
Source: GizmoChina