QR codes: an essential element in times of pandemic

The QR codes they are nothing new. We have been seeing them in press advertisements or to download apps for quite a few years now. But the reality is that, despite how frequent they were, they had not reached their great explosion. They existed, we all knew them, but the reality is that they were not very popular. Many users did not even have an app downloaded to read them.

But after the pandemic caused by the coronavirus, this type of codes have become an essential that is not lacking anywhere.

The coronavirus causes the explosion of QR codes

In bars and restaurants

To avoid contagion of Covid-19, it is important to try to avoid touching surfaces that may have been touched before by an infected person. For this reason, many restaurants have chosen to avoid menus that can be used by different users at the same time. And, for this, the QR codes They are a very practical tool, which allows you to digitize the menus.

The user who goes to a bar or restaurant You will only have to scan the code with your smartphone, and later you will have everything the restaurant can offer on your own mobile, without having to touch anything other than your phone.

pools and beaches

Many swimming pools and even beaches have been forced to control the capacity this summer. And for this, applications are being used with which you can make an appointment, so that when you go you do not find that there are too many people.

Normally, once you have made your reservation, the application itself generates a QR code for you, which you must carry on your phone.

When you reach the beach or pool, you will have to teach the code, so you use your own smartphone as input. Therefore, you will not have to print anything.

It is a system that has been used for years to access concerts and the like, but this year it seems to have spread a bit more.

Download application for QR codes

In the Google Play Store we can find a large number of apps that allow us to scan QR codes from our mobile.

Although most have very similar features, one of the last to arrive at the store has been QR Scanner. Its operation is simple, you just have to scan the code with your phone and the browser will take you to the corresponding website. If you don't have one yet and want to try it, you can find it at the link below:

Ultra QR code scanner, to QR sca
Ultra QR code scanner, to QR sca

Do you think that QR codes are a good solution to try to prevent the coronavirus pandemic from getting worse again? What applications do you usually use to read them? We invite you to tell us about it in the comments section at the bottom of the page.

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