Android 6 M: what's new in the latest version of Android

It's official. Google has introduced Android M, which corresponds to the number 6 as the version of your operating system and that will not bring with it, a too great revolution with respect to what we already find in Android Lollipop 5 , but there are some new features that can be very interesting.

The changes that we could see in the Keynote Google I/O 2015, are not based so much on the design as on small solutions that will make our lives a little easier. Let's take a look at some of those innovations.

Android 6 M: all the news about the latest version of Android

Features of the new Android M – Permissions per application

One of the novelties is that all the permissions that the applications need to access the phone will be grouped into 6 categories, so that we can understand them much better. These categories will be  location, camera, microphone, contacts, phone, SMS, calendar and sensors. In this way we will have it clearer that we accept that he «gossips» each android app, which we installed from Google play.

In addition, whenever an application needs to access any of them, a message will appear in case we want to accept it, so that we have greater control.

Improved web experience

More and more people are browsing the web from their smartphones, so Google wanted to make the experience easier for them. For this they have come Chrome custom tabs, as well as the operation in a similar way to that of an application.

Another novelty are the links between apps. Every day you come across this android function because, for example, if you are browsing the internet with your android browser and you find a tweet that you click on, you will get a message asking if you want to see the tweet in the browser or open the Twitter app . Well, in this new function of android M, it will allow us, so that if we receive a link to a tweet or a Facebook status, it will open directly in the corresponding application, without having to ask the system.

Android Pay

Just like Apple did a while ago, Android has also launched into the creation of its payment system, which will be called Android Pay.

Although it is likely that in Spain and other countries it will still take us a while to see this payment system as something usual, in the United States there are already more than 700.000 shops that they are prepared to use it, so making purchases with the mobile will soon cease to seem futuristic.

Security is one of the strong points that Android Pay is committed to and, as in most systems of this type, our card number will not be displayed at any time. But we can also configure the phone so that it allows us to confirm payments through the fingerprint (as long as our smartphone has a fingerprint sensor like the Galaxy S6) so that we prevent anyone from making a purchase without our permission.

Doze, improved power and battery management

We already know that autonomy and time of use is one of the great problems of smartphones. And to try to solve it, Google has presented Pickups, an energy control and management system so that we only consume what is necessary, without consuming battery and resources unnecessarily.

In addition, we can also enjoy support for USB 3.1 Type C on Android M, so that we can even use one device to load another.

According to those responsible for Google, with these developments you can even double the battery life of some Nexus, although we do not know what it can bring to other devices.

Other small news

When developing Android M, Google has taken into account the comments on small details that users have made.

Thus, we can, for example, observe a improved volume controls, decide if the text selection is made by words or by characters or enjoy a dark mode for those who look at the smartphone in the middle of the night. They may not be too revolutionary changes, but they will be very practical for users, and they represent a leap from what we found in Lollipop. More improvements to review, optimized Bluetooth device scanning, voice integration services, greater security in the reset of Android devices for companies, Bluetooth 4.2, among others of lesser importance.

When will Android M be available?

The fact that Android M has already been presented, it does not mean that we will soon enjoy this new version in our y android tablets. Unless we have a Nexus, in which case we will be among the first to enjoy it, surely we will have to wait many months. Just think that it is now that many devices are starting to receive Android Lollipop 5.

What has been released is already a first preview, that will last until the end of June or beginning of July, and that some Nexus users will be able to enjoy. During the summer only the versions for developers will be available and it will not be until September when the final version is officially released. Therefore, many devices may not receive Android M until principles of 2016.

If you still want to know more about android M and the event Google I / O 2015.

What do you think about the changes that it has presented? Google on Android M? Do you think they represent a significant increase in the quality of the operating system or do you think things have been left out? Leave us a comment at the bottom of the page and tell us your opinion about it.

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