The latest news about WhatsApp: it will be able to connect with different applications

WhatsApp interoperability in March

WhatsApp will be able to connect with other instant messaging applications to be able to receive in a chat tray from – for example – Telegram, Discord or iMessage. This is due to an order issued by the European Union through the Digital Markets Act (DMA).

This decision forces WhatsApp to become an interoperable app with other similar applications. However, behind this change there are some demands, considerations and policies that we will learn about below.

Why is this change being made to WhatsApp?

DMA demands WhatsApp changes to its platform

WhatsApp could become a space for manage instant messaging from other applications similar to them. The change is due to a requirement issued by the European Union through the Digital Markets Act (DMA) where it considers the platform to be a "gatekeeper."

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What is gatekeeper? This is a term that designates a person or company as a "unitary access controller" and that is above its competitors with an excessive advantage. And it is no wonder, considering that in 2023 WhatsApp was close to 3.000 million users in the world.

For the DMA, this very accelerated behavior of WhatsApp forces it to give up a little in its operations and become an interoperable platform. That is, you must transform your platform to be able to receive messages from other apps such as Telegram or iMessage.

How will this new change affect users?

These WhatsApp news bring with them a series of changes that will affect the use of the app by its users. Some of them are not so "inconvenient" but others involve design changes to be able to adjust the message tray of other applications. Let's look at the implications in more detail:

  • The feature has been active in a beta version since 2023, but its launch is estimated to be for March 2024. However, its operation will depend on whether the user activates it or not.
  • The design of WhatsApp will change to be able to locate the chat tray of other applications.
  • WhatsApp will not offer security guarantees to third party chats.
  • Applications that interconnect must use WhatsApp servers to function.
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Changes in interoperable WhatsApp

With these new arrivals It is surprising to know that we can manage the chats of the instant messaging applications that we use, from the same platform and it will be WhatsApp. It can be tedious for some, but beneficial for others.

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Among the options that can be carried out with this interconnection, the possibility of rmake calls. In addition, chats will include text conversations, stickers, emojis, images, videos and voice messages. This communication will be bidirectional, that is, the sending and receiving of messages will be for both sides.

It is estimated that the interoperability of WhatsApp with the rest of the messaging applications will be made official by March of this year. It will be a challenge for platforms to manage this way of interconnecting and an experience for users. What do you think of this news and what are your expectations?

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